
0 rows


Each performance activity can have multiple tracks, each with their own independent assignments and config


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id bigserial 19 nextval('app_perform_track_id_seq'::regclass)
app_perform_track_assignment.track_id Defined in XMLR
app_perform_track_user_assignment.track_id Defined in XMLR
activity_id int8 19 0 Defined in XMLR
description text 2147483647 null
status int2 5 null
subject_instance_generation int2 5 0
schedule_is_open int2 5 1
schedule_is_fixed int2 5 1
schedule_fixed_from int8 19 null
schedule_fixed_to int8 19 null
schedule_fixed_timezone varchar 255 null
schedule_dynamic_from text 2147483647 null
schedule_dynamic_to text 2147483647 null
schedule_dynamic_source text 2147483647 null
schedule_use_anniversary int2 5 0
schedule_needs_sync int2 5 0
due_date_is_enabled int2 5 0
due_date_is_fixed int2 5 null
due_date_fixed int8 19 null
due_date_fixed_timezone varchar 255 null
due_date_offset text 2147483647 null
repeating_is_enabled int2 5 0
repeating_type int2 5 null
repeating_offset text 2147483647 null
repeating_is_limited int2 5 null
repeating_limit int8 19 null
created_at int8 19 null
updated_at int8 19 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
app_perftrac_id_pk Primary key Asc id
app_perftrac_act_ix Performance Asc activity_id
app_perftrac_sta_ix Performance Asc status
