
0 rows


Remote news feed information. Contains the news feed id, the userid of the user who added the feed, the title of the feed itself and a description of the feed contents along with the url used to access the remote feed. Preferredtitle is a field for f


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id bigserial 19 nextval('app_block_rss_client_id_seq'::regclass)
userid int8 19 0
title text 2147483647 null
preferredtitle varchar 64 ''::character varying
description text 2147483647 null
shared int2 5 0
url varchar 255 ''::character varying
skiptime int8 19 0
skipuntil int8 19 0


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
app_blocrssclie_id_pk Primary key Asc id
