
12 rows


moodle roles


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id bigserial 19 nextval('app_role_id_seq'::regclass)
app_badge_manual_award.issuerrole Defined in XMLR
app_cohort_role.roleid Defined in XMLR
app_enrol_flatfile.roleid Defined in XMLR
app_role_allow_assign.allowassign Defined in XMLR
app_role_allow_assign.roleid Defined in XMLR
app_role_allow_override.allowoverride Defined in XMLR
app_role_allow_override.roleid Defined in XMLR
app_role_allow_switch.allowswitch Defined in XMLR
app_role_allow_switch.roleid Defined in XMLR
app_role_assignments.roleid Defined in XMLR
app_role_capabilities.roleid Defined in XMLR
app_role_context_levels.roleid Defined in XMLR
app_role_names.roleid Defined in XMLR
app_role_sortorder.roleid Defined in XMLR
name varchar 255 ''::character varying
shortname varchar 100 ''::character varying
description text 2147483647 null
sortorder int8 19 0
archetype varchar 30 ''::character varying


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
app_role_id_pk Primary key Asc id
app_role_sho_uix Must be unique Asc shortname
app_role_sor_uix Must be unique Asc sortorder
