
0 rows


Instances of enrolment plugins used in courses, fields marked as custom have a plugin defined meaning, core does not touch them. Create a new linked table if you need even more custom fields.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id bigserial 19 nextval('app_enrol_id_seq'::regclass)
app_enrol_lti_tools.enrolid Defined in XML R
app_enrol_paypal.instanceid Defined in XML R
app_user_enrolments.enrolid Defined in XML R
enrol varchar 20 ''::character varying
status int8 19 0
courseid int8 19 null Defined in XML R
sortorder int8 19 0
name varchar 255 null
enrolperiod int8 19 0
enrolstartdate int8 19 0
enrolenddate int8 19 0
expirynotify int2 5 0
expirythreshold int8 19 0
notifyall int2 5 0
password varchar 50 null
cost varchar 20 null
currency varchar 3 null
roleid int8 19 0
customint1 int8 19 null
customint2 int8 19 null
customint3 int8 19 null
customint4 int8 19 null
customint5 int8 19 null
customint6 int8 19 null
customint7 int8 19 null
customint8 int8 19 null
customchar1 varchar 255 null
customchar2 varchar 255 null
customchar3 varchar 1333 null
customdec1 numeric 12,7 null
customdec2 numeric 12,7 null
customtext1 text 2147483647 null
customtext2 text 2147483647 null
customtext3 text 2147483647 null
customtext4 text 2147483647 null
timecreated int8 19 0
timemodified int8 19 0


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
app_enro_id_pk Primary key Asc id
app_enro_cou_ix Performance Asc courseid
app_enro_enr_ix Performance Asc enrol
